Artist: Anugama
New Age

Shamanic Dream, Vol. 2
Year: 2002
Tracks: 3

Environment 1
Year: 2002
Tracks: 2

Classic Fantasy
Year: 1998
Tracks: 9

Lightness Of Being
Year: 1997
Tracks: 13

Year: 1996
Tracks: 2

Shamanic Dream
Year: 1995
Tracks: 2

Jungle Of Joy
Year: 1995
Tracks: 10

Year: 1995
Tracks: 6

Classic Fantasy II
Year: 1994
Tracks: 8

The Best Of Just Being Here
Year: 1991
Tracks: 7

Silent Joy
Year: 1989
Tracks: 7

Morning Breeze
Year: 1989
Tracks: 7

Open Sky
Year: 1988
Tracks: 10

Like The Ocean
Year: 1988
Tracks: 2

Floating Gently
Year: 1988
Tracks: 2

Exotic Dance
Year: 1988
Tracks: 3

Environment 2
Year: 1987
Tracks: 2

Shamanic Dream 2
Tracks: 3

Sampler 1
Tracks: 11

Classic Fantasy 2
Tracks: 8
By bringing together the exotic instrumentation of world music with a new age-style sense of self-exploration and a broad palette of ambient electronic sounds, Anugama garnered sufficiency of a little cult undermentioned to sustain a prolific, wordy calling. Though born in Cologne, Germany, where he number one developed his special involvement in music, Anugama's wonder took him to far and upstage lands. He spent his teens in Hamburg, where he played drums and worked in a music storage, before traveling to Asia in his mid-twenties for a life-changing five-year period. While in Asia, he highly-developed a potent interest in religious philosophies and meditation. These interests shortly crept into Anugama's music, which had expanded to contain his multicultural interests: the beats of African and Caribbean music, the rhythms of Hawaii, the meditations of India, and so on. Anugama began releasing one record album afterwards another throughout the '80s that explored his many interests, with him playacting all the instruments. Throughout the '90s, he didn't slow down his output, left as fertile as earlier, astonishing his fad next with his unlimited well of creativity.